We previously discussed removing fake WooCommerce users. Now, let’s shift our focus to fortifying your store against fraudulent orders.
Fraudulent orders and fake accounts can be devastating, especially for high-value products. Unfortunately, spotting these attempts isn’t always easy. Here are some simple tips to strengthen your WooCommerce store and minimise these risks.
Building a Secure Foundation
Security is essential. Ensure a valid SSL certificate encrypts sensitive customer information during transactions. Additionally, implement reCAPTCHA to deter automated bots that create fake accounts or bombard your store with spam orders. Consider disabling guest checkout and requiring account creation for genuine purchases. This establishes accountability and discourages casual fraud attempts.
Furthermore, restrict customer registrations and orders to your operational countries. If you only ship to the UK, for example, only allow UK-based users to place orders. WooCommerce’s built-in geolocation features can help with this process.
Fraudsters also often rely on disposable email addresses, fabricated IP addresses, and nonsensical data to create fake orders or spam your system. Installing a WordPress firewall acts as your frontline defence, blocking such attempts before they reach your website. Sucuri and Cloudflare are industry leaders that both offer plugins with comprehensive security features.
Email Verification: A Simple Yet Effective Measure
Implementing email verification for new customer accounts is another effective way to reduce fraudulent orders. Plugins like Email Verification for WooCommerce streamline this process, requiring users to confirm their email address before proceeding with purchases.
Choosing The Right Payment Gateway
Partnering with a reputable payment gateway that safeguards both you and your customers against fraudulent transactions and chargebacks is crucial. Popular options include PayPal, Stripe, and WooCommerce Payments. If you choose a different gateway, ensure that it can offer you fraud protection measures that can help you combat fraudulent orders and chargebacks.
Fraud Prevention Tools
Fraud prevention software can be a valuable ally in identifying and intercepting fraudulent transactions and credit card abuse. Several plugins cater to this need, such as WooCommerce Anti-Fraud. Alternatively, if you’re using Stripe, consider activating Stripe Radar. This free service for small businesses scans every payment using a vast network of data points to detect and prevent fraudulent activity before it impacts your business.
WooCommerce Payments is powered by Stripe so this is automatically enabled on all stores.
Scrutinise Customer Information
Suspicious orders often exhibit red flags within the customer data. Inconsistencies between billing and shipping addresses, or multiple failed transactions, can be indicative of fraudulent activity. Scrutinise these details closely to ensure everything aligns.
For high-value orders, consider contacting the customer directly using their registered phone number to confirm the order’s legitimacy. Legitimate customers will readily verify their purchases, while fraudulent attempts might fizzle out at this stage.
Absolutely prioritise verifying customer details before shipping any orders to avoid costly losses.
By following these security measures, you can significantly fortify your WooCommerce store and deter fraudulent activity. Remember, vigilance is key. Stay updated on evolving security threats and adapt your approach accordingly to ensure a secure and thriving online business.
If you need a security audit, contact us for further information.